Matthew Powell
If height helped you win fantasy football games, this guy would be a five-time champ. Because he is tall. I’m pretty sure he played basketball.
Michael Telford
“Hey, can I take a look at your portfolio?” – Mike
“Hey, can I take a look at your boobs?”
– Ratchet Mike (RIP 2019)
Trent Martin
Depending on who you ask, Trent may be the funniest guy you know, or the most awkward. Or both.
Jacob Mays
Born unto the lovely Tonya, Jacob is league commissioner, former champion, and our fearless leader. We exist only to serve him.
Rocco Colucci
Chief Deputy Commissioner
Rocco “The Gooch” Colucci is a back-to-back champion and lifelong Jets fan. The two are mutually exclusive.
Kyle McMahan
Media Manager
Former league combine standout and official Raccoon Nation press secretary. Wildly inconsistent fantasy football player.
Marcus Crotts
League Historian
If you interrupt him, he will stare you down with the intensity of a thousand suns. Other than that, he’s a pretty cool guy. Enjoys trash talking athletes on Twitter.
Spencer Carr
Weekly Recapper
Spencer is not only the token black guy in the league, he’s also a true romantic. Just ask the leader of his fan club, Lupe.
Michael Baporis
Better known as Batortious, he consistently remains in the middle of the league standings, kind of like the Memphis Grizzlies.
Karthik Krishnamurthy
Not a doctor, but a pretty awesome phone breaker and drunk tweeter. The league trophy is named in his honor.
Taylor Locklear
A diligent student of the game, in 2016, Uncle TayTay's fantasy football knowledge actually translated to a fantasy football championship.
Roy Jacobs
League Counsel
Roy is the only league member not to attend NC State, making him, by default, an outsider. We debated even including him on this page, but we compromised and just put him last.